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Early in the 21 st century the United States went bankrupt. The out of control budget deficit and the economic mismanagement had finally caught up with the arrogant government and the nation fell.

The big corporations agreed to bail the country out, if they could install their technocratic government, to put things to right. Then the country would be allowed to return to democracy.

Whether the power hungry elite would return the nation to democracy, was moot. The next winter, the long predicted Asian flu decimated millions of people, plunging the nation into despair and chaos.

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The infrastructure of many of the great cities collapsed into anarchy and bloodshed. Rioting led to ultra-violence as the government tried to clamp down.

And soon, the nation was embroiled in a civil war between the haves and the have-nots.

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The corporations used the conflict to entrench a plutocracy as the form of government, with them in charge and then proceeded to rebuild the nation in their image and to satisfy their insatiable greed and lusts.

Soon after taking control, a eugenics programme was introduced to cull certain elements of society that were not productive enough to serve the new masters.

In reality the programme used standard breeding techniques and drugs to create a population of lower intelligence humans with the characteristics of meat livestock.

The public was told that a new breed of animal had been created for use as a meat animal and farms were set up to breed and raise these animals.

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When a shortage of human livestock occurred, the public, now used to the idea of eating these sub humans, without feelings, emotions or souls, was easily persuaded that criminals could be converted into the sub-human class by conditioning and drug therapies and then these animals could then be added to the meat herds.

They easily convinced the majority, that it was a just and productive end for the deviants of society. The farms thrived; providing a source of food for the elite that the elite kept for themselves.

Prices soon rose to levels that most people could not afford. To keep the public on side, human meat was made available to the public, at affordable prices, on festive occasions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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The meat was advertised as a rare delicacy that denoted power and wealth. The public believed that they were experiencing the good life when they partook of this delicacy and did all they could to get more of the prized meat.

When mad cow struck the bovine industry many farmers were forced to raise this new meat animal. They found that it was generally easier to raise this new livestock and the financial returns were enormous compared to cattle.

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So the farms grew in number. Joey had just finished cleaning out a stall of one of the meat girls when Linda came in. Joey was bewitched by her long raven black hair and her dazzling blue eyes.

To Joey, she was the most beautiful girl on the planet. Linda had come by to help Joey and Joey’s father prepare some livestock for the annual spring fair.

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Joey’s father had farmed girl meat for almost fifteen years, almost as long as Joey had been alive. Grant had been a cattle rancher, but when the mad cow crisis hit, he was compelled to switch to another type of livestock.

But Mr. Grant had his doubts. He thought the new meat animals looked and acted like humans.

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Sure they were not as smart, but by almost all criteria, they were human. But with a very young son to bring up and the family farm in crisis, he decided to give it a shot.

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Grant was surprised at how little actual work had to be done to fatten and finish the animal for final sale at the market. He could buy animals, ten to fifteen years old, from a breeding farm and using the recommended feed and supplements bring the animals to market after four or five years.

Obtaining stock from the breeding farms meant that he didn’t have to concern himself with breeding, birthing and raising young stock.

Joey went to the dolcette and had an Amazon carry the blonde to a cot. As a something interior designer Samantha was into glamour, high heels, cocktails, shopping, long gossipy lunches, partying with the jet-set in Monaco and handsome boyfriends. Venus angelic dresses by the yard They use a fiber optic camera on the tip of the pole to guide them through the body cavity and past the heart and lungs.

In fact, the government and the breeders encouraged the farmers to buy matures. The animals were expensive, but aside from feed and shelter and occasional vet visits, the costs of up-keep were minimal.

Also, low interest loans were available to tide farmers over the four to five year period needed to get the animals to market size and slaughter weight.

All Mr. Grant’s concerns were alleviated, when his first animals went to market. He was able to repay all the outstanding loans and turn a small profit.

Next year’s sales would put him and his family on easy street. Any considerations about morality and ethics were quickly forgotten. His government had been preaching for years that the animals were simply bio-engineered apes made in labs and research farms to supplement the food supply with new meat, in light of the problems with beef cattle.

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The new animals had been crossbred to have human appearances and characteristics to make them more acceptable to the public and easier to raise.

As the years went on, the public showed a surprising preference for female stock, and the breeding farms churned out female animals.

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These animals because of their appearance were soon referred to as meat girls or dolcettes amongst the farmers. The name dolcette was derived from an obscure cartoonist that had built up a significant following on the Internet, with his cartoons depicting gynophagia, the eating of human women and girls; with a bent toward live cooking and live spiting.

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This name soon became standard and henceforth the animals were called dolcettes or meat girls. Joey led Linda down to the stalls to inspect the meat girls.

The animals were kept in small stalls and not allowed to move around much. There were about fifty meat girls in this room. Grant was careful not to over crowd the rooms.

Disease could run rampant in overcrowded rooms and overcrowding led to stress and bizarre behavior.

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The animals were very high strung and nervous, almost all the time. If one were to ascribe human feeling to them, one might say that they were acting like scared teenagers trying to cope with the hormone rush of puberty and their growing self-awareness of their doom.

Joey picked out about ten animals from the herd for Linda to examine closely. These had been picked by his dad as the best of the fifty animals undergoing final fattening for the state fair auction.

The first thing Linda noticed was the classic meat girl shape. Over the years, classic shape and body configuration had come into vogue.

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Meat animals were judged and graded against an image of this ideal animal and consequently, animal producers strove to raise their animals to fit the parameters of the ideal meat girl.

The body was to be compact and lean with oversized breasts, a thin waist and round shapely firm ass. The legs were to be fleshy and spongy in texture rather than muscular and well toned.

The best of show, would have large well-defined breasts with a minimum of sag and a slight over lap of the bottom of the breast on to the torso, creating a small but noticeable crease, the nipples would be large and robust with a well-defined, having pleasing shape to the eye.

A definite bonus was a plethora of clearly visible milk ducts. The breasts would be symmetrical in size and shape. The waist would be small, creating an hourglass figure.

The stomach would be flat or slightly flabby with small love handles. The mons-veneris would be flat and taper symmetrically into a v-shape at the vaginal slit.

The slit would have fatty, meaty lips.

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The engorged clitoris and labia would be well defined. The face would be pleasant, clean and unblemished. The hair lustrous and shining, set in a pleasant manner.

But tell me more about your special project and what I can do to help you. There are basically two types of dolcettes, domestic farm bred and free range.

The domestic are bred and raised to maturity by government breeding farms, and at maturity sold to farmers. OK, the farm bred dolcettes are generally younger; using cross breeding and hormones, the breeders have come up with a dolcette that is sexually mature at about ten or eleven years old, that is they show sexual characteristic of maturity, breast development being the most obvious sign; and really about the only real trait that matters since the dolcettes are sterile.

The general filling out of the body is important to some degree also. These farm bred dolcettes need about two or three years to get them to harvest weight and size but they don’t usually attain the same size and weight as free range dolcette so the return is a bit less.

Also, most farmers don’t like them because they are bred to be helpless with a flat emotional response. They require a great deal of taking care of.

The only saving grace is that they are cheaper. The free-range dolcettes are generally made available to us about seventeen to twenty years old, due to the laws protecting young offenders.

Sixteen being the age of majority. I know that conversion can be any age past sixteen but I’m talking about prime stock. Conversion dolcettes, older than twenty-five years old, are not in any demand and usually bought directly by the very low end processing plants.

The convicts are put through a one to two year conversion and then we get them.

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Fatten them up for two or two and a half years max and then sell them at auction. The free-range dolcettes are older, so there meat is tougher, generally, so we have to do more to tenderize it.

But the free-range dolcettes are generally easier to raise.


They retain most of the skills need to feed themselves and, importantly, to defecate using toilets. They are easier to be around, because they don’t have the zombie stare and flat affect.

Those are some of the reasons most farmers prefer free-range dolcettes. OK, you no doubt, knew all that and were getting bored.

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That, basically, is what my dad and the majority of other farmers do. Behavioral problems are culled and depending on the extent of their fattening process, sent to auction early or sold directly to a processing plant; definitely resulting in big losses.

27.01.2020 – Her internal organs were all removed, except for her heart and lungs. But this was up close and personal. The boys took the opportunity to play with the better-looking ones, over night. Of course, all her orifices will be given special attention. Make sure that she’s ready and steals the show!

So, lets assume that the dolcette goes through fattening properly and we get a good animal, with nice breasts and ass and nice taut thighs.